Chris Matthews caught Dan Bartlett in a lie about the Iraq war and gas prices today on Hardball.
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Think Progress has the transcript:
MATTHEWS: [W]e've been struck by higher gas prices. That was another promise made, that this war would help us get cheaper gas
BARTLETT: I don't think...
MATTHEWS: None of these promises come through.
BARTLETT: That's not correct, Chris. The president or no one else ever said that this war was going to result in cheaper gas prices
MATTHEWS: Ok, so just to make it official, Dan, no one in the administration has ever said that we would have cheaper gas because of war in Iraq, just to make it official?
BARTLETT: I don't recall anybody ever saying that, Chris.
As Matthews noted later in the broadcast, Laurence Lindsey-President Bush's senior economic advisor at the time-argued in 2002 that the Iraq war would increase oil supplies and lower on