Powerline Divorced from Reality
(I was watching "Reliable Sources," today and Scott Johnson called Joesph Wilson a liar without bothering to mention what he lied about. Larry Johnson wrote this piece for C&L)
Do not take my word for it, read for yourself. I suggest you start with Joe Wilson's letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee, which rebuts thoroughly the troglodyte right's smear campaign.
I summarized some of the Republican lies in an earlier blog posted in the summer of 2005. Take a look.
If you really care about the truth you can find ample stories at Firedoglake and Raw Story as well. And don't forget the articles authored by Murray Waas. If you don't have a brain, then listen to Scott Johnson. He could not accept truth if it was sand and he was stranded in the Gobi desert.
--posted by Larry C Johnson