April 7, 2006

Read this letter and tell me how insane this response is to this story. Sheila S. Polk, Yavapai County Attorney, sees no sexual motive in the actions of Bennett and Wheeler and blames the media for the attention it's receiving.

If you review the police reports, you will find a terrible situation that can be summed up as follows: Eighteen junior high age kids went to a week-long camp in Prescott. The two defendants were their junior counselors and in charge of them. As a form of discipline, the defendants, then 17 and 19, performed a ritual on the campers referred to as “brooming.” Simply and somewhat graphically put, the defendants would use a broom stick or flashlight and push it into the crevice of campers’ buttocks over their clothes. Sometimes the victims were held and sometimes they were not. There is absolutely no evidence that this was done with a sexual motivation....read on"

What part of sticking a broom where the sun doesn't shine is not sexual in nature? So to her the definition of sexual assault has to do with the fact that the kids were wearing clothes. Doesn't she know the shame these kids would feel afterwards? You can email her your thoughts about the case, (please be civil) at County.Attorney.Email@co.yavapai.az.us You can view the police report there also. (h/t Matt)

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