The Washington Post continues to become more and more a mouth piece for the GOP by hiring a rightwing blogger. Atrios: "The Post just hired Ben Do
March 20, 2006

The Washington Post continues to become more and more a mouth piece for the GOP by hiring a rightwing blogger.


"The Post just hired Ben Domenech, former Bush appointee and Red State cofounder, to write their "Red America" blog. Ask Tom Edsall if they have any plans to hire a "Blue America" on

Jane reminded me that James " crybaby" Harris was asking for this when they launched the broadside on Dan Froomkin. At the time he referenced Patrick Ruffini's criticism of Froomkin as his own. We need to let our voice be heard on this issue so go over, be nice because the WaPo is soooo sensitive and tell them how you feel.

Update: via Atrios. who is on top of this story.

Greg Sargent: Take a look at Domenech's maiden voyage. He writes:

[E]ven in a climate where Republicans hold command of every branch of government, and advocate views shared by a majority of voters, the mainstream media continues to treat red state Americans as pachyderms in the mist - an alien and off-kilter group of suburbanite churchgoers about which little is known, and whose natural habitat is a discomforting place for even the most hardened reporter from the New York Times.

Domenech's MSM-bashing, of course, is belied by his own apparent hiring. And the paper's columnists include conservatives Charles Krauthammer and George Will. Indeed, one way to think about the right's "media-is-liberal" campaign is as a kind of crude protection racket. The analogy isn't perfect, but the idea is this: The right-wing criticism effectively says to the MSM, "Look, there are a lot of pretty pissed off people out there who think you're too liberal. You need to hire some of us to protect you against them and the too-liberal charge."

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