I never get tired of posting this clip. Since Howie has been writing a lot about Joe Lieberman's involvement with PMRC, I figured I'd post it again.
Frank argues against censorship and tells Washington Times wingnut John Lofton, to "kiss my ass" in 1986 on Crossfire.
Many thanks to Ifilm.com for sending me this video clip to host. Although it's almost twenty years old, under the leadership of the Bush administration, this debate between Novak, Lofton and Frank sounds exactly like the ones we are having today. The idea of government censorship being led by the religious groups of today and yesteryear. I thought it was important to see this exchange again between intelligence and winguttery-especially with the Alito nomination going on.
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Zappa: The biggest threat to America today is not communism; it's moving America towards a fascist theocracy and everything that has happened during the Reagan administration. Is steering us right down that pipe
Zappa: When you have a government that prefers a certain moral code derived from a certain religion and that moral code turns into legislation to suit one certain religious point of view and if that code happens to be very, very right wing almost toward Attila the Hun.
Lofton: Well then you are an anarchist. Every form of civil government is based on some kind of morality, Frank.
Zappa: Morality in terms of behavior-not in terms of theology
Frank was fighting the PMRC and their attempt to censor and label music.
Just another reason to support Ned Lamont.