Mike's Blog Round Up Watching America: Just go look at the headlines from newspapers around the world....from Israel: Dick Cheney, The West's Most Te
February 19, 2006

Mike's Blog Round Up

Watching America: Just go look at the headlines from newspapers around the world....from Israel: Dick Cheney, The West's Most Terrifying, Repulsive Politician; from
The Netherlands: America's Dirty War; from Columbia: Hooked on America's Failed Drug War. We have become an international pariah.

Anti-War: Conservatives endorse the Fuhrer Principle

Talk To Action: $500 Million for federal 'bigotry based' initiative?

The Reality-Based Community: Entries from the Republican/English Dictionary

Sadly, No! That's so Hugo

The US government has a new website aimed at preparing its citizens for terrorist attacks.
The Reality-Based Community: Entries from the Republican/English Dictionary

Sadly, No! That's so Hugo

The US government has a new website aimed at preparing its citizens for terrorist attacks.

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