February 15, 2006

The BushCo. apologist Dick Morris-vehemently attacked Dick Cheney's handling of the shooting incident this weekend on Hannity & Colmes-completely frustrating Sean tonight.

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Colmes started the segment off well, causing Morris to say:

Morris: I think that that your point is well taken-Alan. I think that it was outrageous that the VP waited that long to reply...when he finally did it was to some local newspaper in Corpus Christi where he knew he wouldn't get hard questions...and even then he had Mrs. Armstrong do it...

(Rough transcript-not in sequence)

Hannity: What do you think?

Morris:: It's hard to speculate, but usually when there is something like this alcohol is involved....

Hannity: Do you think the VP was drunk and firing bullets?

Morris: None of them will come forward.

Hannity: You're insinuating he was drunk which is totally irresponsible.

Morris: Well why would he not go to the hospital?---He could have followed him in a car.

Hannity...(VP) who does not have a history of drinking at all was stumbling down drunk?

Dick forced Hannity to utter a cpuple of falsehoods (not surprising) to try and dig himself out of the ditch Morris put him. As we all know Dr. Evil had two DUI's back in the day. Also as John Nichols noted in The Nation:

"Dick Cheney who was forced to leave Yale University because his penchant for late-night beer drinking exceeded his devotion to his studies...read on"

Morris hit on Cheney leaking classified information to Libby to finish out the segment. The alcohol theme has reached critical mass now and the traditional media as well as the 24/7 talking heads are taking the lead on this. Listen-maybe Morris knows which way the wind is blowing, but it was interesting listening to him throw Cheney under the bus.

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