February 5, 2006

I had to put up this clip because the caller is batshit crazy. Obviously she doesn't understand what the conflict is and why there is a hearing going on, but her rhetoric is fueled by the likes of Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and much of the hate filled diatribe's from someBush apologists that fuel this sentiment. The hearing is about protecting the rights of Americans from being unlawfully spied on- coupled with a power hungry executive branch-period.

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Caller: ...This is about people who support terrorists. You know, the ACLU and all these people are so concerned about the rights of these terrorists-maybe they should have been in the building 9/11, instead of all those decent Americans who were murdered by these people you are so interested in keeping their civil rights--Thank you.

Turner was even stunned.

Turner: Wow....

Glenn discussed the real issue here while taking the partisanship out of the equation:

Glenn: The reality is-is that the scandal is about whether or not we live under the rule of law and that is not a conservative or a liberal debate-that is an American value and for that reason there are numerous conservatives-and I don't mean wishy-washy conservatives. I mean hardcore doctrinaire conservatives from Grover Norquist and Bob Barr...

Nobody is against eavesdropping on the terrorists...

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