"The Dodgeville School District, accused in December of launching an "attack on Christmas," has counterattacked the accusers. In a sharply worded letter from its lawyer, the district this week demanded a widely distributed apology, a retraction of claims the school's policies are "hostile" to the U.S. Constitution, and $23,899.48 in damages from the Liberty Counsel...read on"
The whole "Silent Night" claim was bogus. Liberty Counsel while acknowledging the misunderstanding-fund-raised and refused to pay...
"But why let the facts get in the way of a good raw meat outrage for right-wingers? Liberty Counsel is now blaming the school district for not being "more communicative" when the Florida minions expressed their original outrage, as if a school district in a small Wisconsin community ought to jump through hoops for a fringe outfit from Florida that specializes in trashing everything from gay marriage to wishing folks "happy holidays." It needs to be noted that coupled with its outright lies about Ridgeway, Liberty Counsel was busy soliciting donations so it could carry on its crusade....read on" (hat tip Shar)
What say you Bill O'Reilly and John Gibson? Remember-O'Reilly used this story against David Letterman and then complained that Letterman never watches his show. Maybe that's because your facts are so screwed up. Does anyone know if Gibson used this story?