Threading Water: State of Their Union...the audacious mendacity of these people continues to amaze us. A veteran's mother gives a State of Our Family Address....and another veteran's mother got arrested for wearing a t-shirt which stated a fact. Think Progress live-blogged Junior's speech and have a slew of posts debunking his pathological lying. And one final fiction exposed
The Uncommon American: Is James Frey is an American hero? Domestic Lying by the Liar in Chief should get as much attention.
This just in: Jack Bauer is a Democrat
BUSHCO: fouling America's air and water is OK.
The Rude Pundit: Everything means less than zero...
The Uncommon American: Is James Frey is an American hero? Domestic Lying by the Liar in Chief should get as much attention.
This just in: Jack Bauer is a Democrat
BUSHCO: fouling America's air and water is OK.
The Rude Pundit: Everything means less than zero...