Mike's Blog Round Up
Consortium News: Republicans are furious that some Democrats threatened to filibuster Samuel Alito's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. But 15 years ago, the Republicans mounted a crucial filibuster of their own to block an investigation that might have destroyed the legacy of the Reagan-Bush era. There's actual history, and then there's the GOP version.
Deep Thought: Interpreting the Hamas victory--and where from here?
The Bushistas seem to be going to a helluva lot of trouble to scrub the planet of photos G-Dub claims are "not relevant." Most Americans disagree.
Zaphod's Heads: Taking another page from the Saddam playbook, the US army has detained the wives of suspected insurgents in order to force them to surrender to authorities...
Facing South: The right-wing fraud about race and Katrinatrouble to scrub the planet of photos G-Dub claims are "not relevant." Most Americans disagree.
Zaphod's Heads: Taking another page from the Saddam playbook, the US army has detained the wives of suspected insurgents in order to force them to surrender to authorities...
Facing South: The right-wing fraud about race and Katrina
Pensito Review: Cowardly Bush terrified of octogenerian reporter.
Pensito Review: Cowardly Bush terrified of octogenerian reporter.