January 26, 2006

Russert smears Arianna: Remind you of anyone?

I seem to remember FOX news running to the NY Post to try and smear Andrea Mackris before they finally settled the O'Reilly sexual harassment lawsuit for millions of dollars.

FDL spotted this last night:

"Big white bwana man went whimpering to Lloyd Grove at the New York Daily News this morning, resurrecting his rather phantasmagorical 1996 claim that Arianna hired a private detective to follow his wife around. An assertion for which he has no proof other than something he read in an Ed Rollins book...read on

Arianna's response:

"Somebody's feeling the heat...How else to explain the widely-off-the-mark responses from NBC's PR department in Lloyd Grove's column to our reporting on Russert's multitude of journalistic ethical conflicts. Instead of dealing with the charges head on, the media giant and its Washington bureau chief Tim Russert have astonishingly decided to get down and dirty, dredging up and faxing to at least one reporter a 12-year-old false claim that I hired a private detective to snoop on Russert's wife Maureen Orth while she was preparing a hit piece on me for Vanity Fair in 1994. ...read on

The Moderate Voice: These news operations have huge investments in the images of these news personalities. Both, at this point, are damaged goods. Can the damage be repaired?

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