January 22, 2006

The right wing's attempt to label democrats and war opponents as equal to Osama continues. On the McLaughlin group this weekend, Pat joined the latest chorus being echoed by Joe Scarborough and their gang.

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BUCHANAN: John, I take him seriously for this reason. What Bin Laden is doing, he's been eclipsed by Zarqawi and Zawahiri. And what he is doing, he is saying with this what Clinton said. I am relevant- I am here- I am alive...

If anyone believes that this is some dubious connection then you are sadly mistaken. I will continue to monitor this "meme" the Rovian republicans are hoping becomes buried in the subconscious of the American people. Let me know when you hear other talking heads making these statements. (We all know FOX will do it so I'm not really counting them.)

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