An angry emailer: For over a year now I’ve been bombarded, overtly or otherwise, by an unhealthy obsession with the world outside me. I’m s
January 17, 2006

An angry emailer:

For over a year now I’ve been bombarded, overtly or otherwise, by an unhealthy obsession with the world outside me. I’m speaking specifically about politics. And I’ve come to the conclusion that neither side wants an understanding on a more meaningful level. That for every O’Reilly there is someone on the other side of the ideological street ready to fire back. That all the differing dialogue is really more about feeding an empty space than informing, exposing or effecting the change they claim it is.

That the common enemies are necessary for each side to stubbornly stick to their position and further the divide among us. That if those who preached peace were honest with themselves they would realize that political points of view are insignificant in comparison to who we are as humans. I mean, it is about harmony and a better world for all of us isn’t it? But, where would the hits come from without something to seethe over? And isn’t that what it’s really about after all?


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