Tom had his five minutes today and made the most of it. I get the feeling that he wants to over turn Roe, don't you?
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COBURN: You know, how is it that we have sodomy protected under that due process but prostitution unprotected? It's schizophrenic. And the reason it's schizophrenic is there's no foundation for it whatsoever other than a falsely created foundation that is in error.. I don't know if we'll ever change that. It's a measure of our society.
But the fact is that you can't claim, in this Senate hearing, to care for those that are underprivileged, to those that are at risk, to those that are vulnerable, to those that are weak, to those that suffer and, at the same time, say I don't care about those who have been ripped from the wombs of women and the complications that have come about throughout that.
So, the debate, for the American public -- and the real debate here is about Roe.
Reddhedd has more: "Am I wrong, here? Is there some other hidden meaning other than Tom Corbun would like Roe overturned and he's willing to talk about whatever else he needs to talk about to do it? No litmus test for him, though. Nuh on"