With all the information pouring in about Abramoff's ties to Tom Delay and other top republicans, what do you think the opening focus of MTP with Tim Russert was? Harry Reid.
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Arianna writes: "And, sure enough, Tim opened the show with the Abramoff scandal. So what did he choose to focus on? What, in his estimation, was the salient point to zero in on? This: will Harry Reid return the contributions he's received---Go get em, Tim! Some might look at the events of this week and decide that the story lay somewhere in the intersection between the Republican party and the culture of corruption. But not Tim. He knows the real story is whether Harry Reid will return the loot....read on"
Greenwald writes on Cornyn: "As a result of these revelations, the moralizing Cornyn now has an obvious problem. Ralph Reed claims that Cornyn took action against the Texas casinos because Reed, acting on behalf of his casino clients, influenced him to do so. Reed says he "choreographed" Cornyns response. In order to save himself, Cornyn has now turned on Reed with an unrestrained viciousness. When asked yesterday by Tim Russert about this e-mail, Cornyn accused Reed -- who, in addition to being a top Bush campaign official also happens to be seeking the GOP nomination as Lt. Governor of Georgia -- of lying and "bilking" his clients:...read on