We all make mistakes, it happens. I've had to correct a headline, many a typo and pasted in the wrong "url" for you to link to from time to time. Afte
December 28, 2005

We all make mistakes, it happens. I've had to correct a headline, many a typo and pasted in the wrong "url" for you to link to from time to time. After all, with editors like these- I'm surprised by the small amount of mistakes I've actually made. What was Ace thinking? The Rasmussen poll was quite clear in it's wording of their NSA poll which did not include the word "warrantless," as Ace's headline indicated. Jane pointed this out the other day. Ace's own commenters also requested the correction too.

Why should I care you ask? Ace of Spades HQ is a recent winner of the weblog award for best conservative blog and represents the best the right has to offer. Is this any way for an award winner to behave? Being a winner myself, I'm glad to see that the post is now changed and we can get back to the business at hand. One quick question. Why all the fuss about open threads? Please feel free to use this as an Open Thread.

Ace has offered up an apology.

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