This was pretty funny. You can check the facts and see who's right, but Rob Boston went after John Gibson and Gary McCaleb of the Alliance Defense Fund, by calling the war on Christmas a lie. (rough transcript)
Boston: John, your war on Christmas is bogus, it doesn't exist-it's thinner than drugstore wrapping paper.
(Gibson had to prod Gary on since he was getting pasted.)
Gibson: You're defending me Gary, get busy.
Gibson said it was his book and O'Reilly's campaign that is restoring Christmas.
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Gibson: You can't do this-this year because you got caught.
Boston: You guys are rich. This stuff was made up. I called school superintendents and said you know O'Reilly...said you can't have cookies at your school...
Gibson interrupting: Rob-Rob-Rob, stop right there-Rob-ROB-STOP-RIGHT-THERE!
Boston: No you're wrong John, I'm not gonna stop...
Gibson: Yea you are, because the incidents in my book are not lies--if you're calling me a liar let's go one on one of it. --Hey Rob! Straighten up, you just called me a liar-Back up your charges--(Gary-pipe down)--Rob, you just called me a liar!--I did not say that!---(Gary, Stop!)
Gibson: If you're calling me a liar on that, you're going to get sued next.
Boston: Now you've changed your story.
Gibson had no use for McCaleb in the segment and finally pulled the plug on Boston.
Update: Newshounds has a post up about the segment here-with more transcripts.