I've criticized Chris Matthews just as recently as the Monday, but on Dec. 14th-he turned the NRO's talking point pin-up girl Kate O'Beirne, into a blinking-Christmas bulb over PlameGate.
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O'BIERNE: Well, if Scooter Libby told the grand jury or the FBI that I think I heard it from journalists, we now have a journalist who is saying, I can't exactly remember but I may have mentioned it.
MATTHEWS: We know the vice president told him on June, 12 of 2003. But we know all this. We know the case. We know how he found out. We know that the vice president counseled him on how to deal with this matter before the press, we know that the afternoon the vice president counseled him he told two reporters, Matt Cooper and Judy Miller. We know so much of this case. What do you deny?
O'BIERNE: I think we now have evidence that he may have heard it from a journalist, which is one thing he maintained. It doesn't mean he didn't hear it from another source, too, but that he heard it from a journalist.
MATTHEWS: How would that exonerate him that the vice president told him a fact, he told that fact to two reporters, and then denied such to the special prosecutor? Where does the exoneration or the innocence come in here.