Her Time piece is posted now. I'm still sorting through the piece, but one thing is for certain. She was friends with Luskin which is what I thought:
December 10, 2005

Her Time piece is posted now. I'm still sorting through the piece, but one thing is for certain. She was friends with Luskin which is what I thought:

"Still, there is the occasional source with whom one becomes friendly, and eventually Luskin was in that group."

This friendship caused her to make some mistakes, one of which tipped Luskin off. I don't think she did it on purpose as I read the article.

"If I could have a do-over, I would have kept my mouth shut; since I didn't, I wish I had told my bureau chief about the exchange.

Not telling her editor is unbelieveable to me.

Atrios takes aim at Luskin: "Luskin's not a journalist, he's an attorney, and he's free to lie to the press on behalf of his client. But there have been numerous articles which have been based on information from a source who is most likely Luskin so journalists should be taking what he says with a few grains of salt."...read on'

Talk Left: "If Karl Rove doesn't get indicted for perjury, it will be because of Viveca Novak. Viveca tipped Luskin off that Karl Rove had talked to Matthew Cooper in either March or May, 2004...read on"

Tom Maguire: "And folks who whacked Bob Woodward for failing to disclose his little leak situation to his editor had better strap themselves down and take a sedative before reading Ms. Novak's account...read on"

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