Let the Nazi wars begin. O'Reilly is outraged that a woman like Ann Coulter, who calls Bill Clinton a rapist and a murderer, is vilified at her speaking engagements.
O'Reilly talked Ellis Henican of Newsday, and likened the left winger protesters of Coulter as:
O'Reilly: The far left in this country, the zealots, these are zealots-are Nazis...and this is exactly what the Nazis did.
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Bill should watch the movie, "This Divided State," and witness the right wing zealots try to stop Michael Moore from speaking at a college. Kay Anderson actually sued the college and tried to get the student president fired.
I have a conservative college-Holiday/Christmas challenge. For 40,000 dollars a show, I'll let any conservative shout, play loud music, demonstrate, throw pies and other assorted disruptions whenever I speak. Here's your chance now "Young Republicans," of the world to take your best shot. Email me and let's set up a national tour through all the red states.