Hitchens and the War on Christmas On Scarborough Country, there was the new fade that will likely be a staple segment every year on 24/7 during the h
December 2, 2005

A picture named HItchens-Christmas.jpgHitchens and the War on Christmas

On Scarborough Country, there was the new fade that will likely be a staple segment every year on 24/7 during the holiday season. The War on Christmas. Hitchens is always a hoot to watch when he takes on the these "war on Christmas" nuts. (You know how I feel about Chris and his pro-neocon views) The manufactured crisis that helps to line "pockets of gold" for those who scream loud enough during their fund raising drives. Falwell has devised a new angle called, "Friend or Foe Christmas campaign."

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Joe had a minion of Jerry Falwell on from the Liberty Counsel, named Mathew Staver.

A few highlights: (Full transcript)

Scarborough: Hold on. Guys, stop. God bless us all. Just stop and let's have a meaningful conversation.

Hitchens: Don't invite me on and tell me to keep quiet. Don't do that.

Scarborough: Well, Christopher, why don't you let other people talk for a second, OK?

Hitchens: I came here to talk, not to listen to you. You invited me on for my opinions, not to listen to yours.

Scarborough: OK. Well, you know what, Christopher? I will never make that mistake again.

Hitchens: This guy from Lynchburg defines progress as teaching junk science to our children, and leaving us the mockery of the world by pretending that we did not evolve.

Hitchens: That's progress to him. And he's a front man—and he's a front man—and he's a front man—and he's a front man for the fat-faced reverend... Hitchens: ... who applauded the destruction of the World Trade Center---Front man Falwell. Hitchens: Falwell said the World Trade Center was brought down by God.

Joe, gives a sermon at the end of the clip: "We can talk about-I mean, we ought to be able to talk about this like adults, instead of having this rudeness, which, I got to tell you, I mean, my mom didn't raise me that way. My dad didn't raise me that way. I can't understand people who behave that way. But I am very sorry it happened tonight. And it doesn't usually happen in SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY. When I first started this show, it happened once in a while. I didn't control things as well as I should have. And I apologize to you for that. But it's just not going to happen on my show tonight. It's not going to happen in the future. And I'm sorry for what you just saw....

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