Another "catastrophic success" for the Bush Regime. USA Today reports that while we've watched Iraq get blown to bits Afghanistan is slowing burning to the ground and stalemated and we've all but forgotten about it.
The adversary faced this year by the Desert Eagles and other American units fighting in Afghanistan has defied military predictions that the Taliban and al-Qaeda were fading. "It's absolutely true that the insurgency has become more effective and the insurgency has moved into more areas," says Peter Tomsen, a former special envoy who helped organize the anti-Soviet Afghan resistance in the 1980s. According to the Desert Eagles: The insurgency never intended to disrupt Afghan parliamentary elections in September. The plan was to conserve military resources and wait for U.S. and Western allies to withdraw. "They had to deceive us that the elections were successful," Toolan said, "that we would be duped into a false sense of victory and leave earlier, so that they would have that ripe environment to move into open guerrilla warfare." Candidates linked to the insurgency ran for parliament seats. "We took United Nations candidate lists and we took a list of (insurgent) targets, and we overlaid those," Toolan said. "There were matches."
Bush had the nation pretty much united behind the Afghanistan campaign and if the had stuck to actually completing that mission properly he would reap the political rewards. But nooooooooooooo! He had to launch an imbecilic invasion of a country not at all affiliated with Al Qaeda (until we invaded of course) at the cost of the Afghanistan campaign and the hunt for Bin Laden. Republicans can use the reptilian aspects of their brain for the next three years all they want; but history has already judged Bush over how he has handled the so-called "War on Terror". That judgment will have him fighting it out with James Buchanan for worst President ever. My money is on Buchanan, that crooked-necked boob packed a mean "cockpunch". Posted (hopefully properly "the Radio" is quite aggravating) by Attaturk of