November 12, 2005

A picture named MTP-Mehlman.jpgKen Mehlman uses false intelligence claims

The "walking- talking point," parroted the same line that everyone saw the same information as the the administration did (false)and then cited the Silberman-Robb Commission(Josh debunked the using of this report) as evidence that the White House has been cleared of any manipulation of intelligence.

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We are still waiting for Pat Roberts to release his findings Ken. There's a lot more to discuss in this clip so go for it.

(Update): Talking Points Memo addresses the "full number of lies and half-truths that rolled out of Mehlman's mouth" in this small clip: " I know that some of my more cautious readers will blanch at my use of the "L" word. But when so many falsehoods and misleading statements are rolled atop each other, there's really no other description that fairly categorizes what the man is doing. on

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