The Heretik: While the White House has been melting over Miers, Katrina, and Iraq, few may have noticed the creation of the ominously named National Clandestine Agency.
d r i f t g l a s s: You mean they hate Jews too? Holy Shit! I thought it was just darkies and Liberals? And smart chicks. And Ayrabs. And queers. And people who read. And Spics. And so forth.
The Left Coaster: Miller's Mea Culpa And Convenient Memory Lapses To Protect Cheney
Crooked Timber: Talking rubbish about DDT
Pandagon: ...And Aloha Means Goodbye. Our loss, Strickland's gain. We'll miss ya, Jesse.
",0] ); D(["ce"]); D(["ms","10a56"] ); //--> Talking rubbish about DDT