August 17, 2005

The reason I'm putting this up to accentuate the "talking points" that will be used against Cindy in the coming weeks. We've just seen how this convicted felon behaves in his latest appearance on Paula Zahn with Arianna Huffington. Sinking to the lower depths of humanity is nothing new for G.

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Apparently just the mention of the word "neocon" means anti-Semite in Liddy's world. ( It's really just the game) Clift, Colmes and even Hannity were left almost speechless by it. (Cindy has already denied making the other statements that Gordon is referring to here.)

Newshounds has more on the segment here. "In a November, 2004 interview, Liddy reportedly called Hitler his first political hero and claimed Hitler "made me feel a strength inside I had never known before... Hitler's sheer animal confidence and power of will [entranced me]. He sent an electric current through my body." Media Matters delves deeper into his psyche

To Liddy-admiring Hitler is a virtue.

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