August 16, 2005

A picture named Arianna-Liddy.jpg

In a bizarre exchange at the end of the segment last night, Liddy attacked Arianna Huffington becasue of her Greek heritage on the Paula Zahn Show. The spot was a discussion about whether the President should meet with Cindy Sheehan or not. Liddy who always manages to offend people didn't disappoint his followers.

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Emailer Darien said: Near the end of the segment, Arianna said that Bush sounded flippant when he said "I need to get on with my life." Here's a paraphrased version of what followed.

Liddy: Oh, that may seem flippant in a country like Greece, but not the United States.

Huffington: Wow, we're doing ethnic varieties now? It's not just Greek Americans, it's the majority of all Americans which is why Bush's approval is at 42%.

Liddy: That was a gratuitous assertion, and any gratuitous assertion may be denied equally gratuitously.

What the heck does his last sentence even mean? That the poll numbers are unjustified? That's what every poll says G. I guess he feels that if he doesn't like something then he can lie to counter the facts "gratuitously." Certain wingnuts can always manage to interject racism into their arguments. It's sad, but that's the way it is. Zahn wasn't a bright bulb either and Liddy's "face blown off "remarks are...see for yourself.

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