"Still deadlocked after days of negotiations, Iraq's leaders decided today to give themselves another week to agree on a new constitution and resolve
August 14, 2005

"Still deadlocked after days of negotiations, Iraq's leaders decided today to give themselves another week to agree on a new constitution and resolve a series of fundamental disagreements over the future and identity of this fractious land....read on"

I'm certainly no expert on this, (read Juan Cole for the latest on the legal issues) but I knew trying to push these sides to put a Constitution together by today was not going to happen. It probably won't be a big problem unless there are more delays.

Kevin Drum says: The fact that Iraqi leaders are having trouble meeting their deadline to finish a draft constitution isn't surprising. In the past, they've missed pretty much every deadline they've had, but then eventually come to some sort of agreement a few days late. However, if the New York Times is correct, it looks like they might be genuinely deadlocked this time: ...read on"

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