Larry Johnson: After watching the stupidity and arrogance of Ann Coulter on the O'Reilly Factor (thanks to Crooks and Liars), it seems to me we ought
August 4, 2005

Larry Johnson:

After watching the stupidity and arrogance of Ann Coulter on the O'Reilly Factor (thanks to Crooks and Liars), it seems to me we ought to challenge Ann to put her body where her mouth is. I'll pay for her to travel business class to Baghdad and stay there for a week, but on these conditions:
  • When she arrives at the airport she must take a public taxi.
  • She cannot hire a bodyguard or security detail.
  • And, most important of all, she must stay at a hotel outside of the Green Zone and eat at a different restaurant everynight using public transportaton (i.e., a taxi).
If she's right, that things are going well and are safer today than one year ago, I say go show us. Maybe FOX News will assign one of their intrepid cheerleaders, oops, I mean correspondents, to accompany Ann and show the world that a new day has dawned in Iraq.
What do you folks think?

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