August 1, 2005

Judd has the latest from the ABC's Note: "special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, by all accounts a no-nonsense guy, disagrees. He continues to actively pursue the case and appears to be increasingly focused on Karl Rove.

'ABC News has learned that one was Susan Ralston, Rove’s long-time right hand. The other, per ABC News’ Jake Tapper, was Israel “Izzy” Hernandez, Rove’s former left hand (and now a top Commerce Department official). It isn’t clear if either had been asked to testify before last week.

The Carpet Bagger Reports says: Bush claims he can't ask Rove about the leak: Bush said yesterday, in response to a question about Rove's role in the scandal, "Why don't you wait and see what the true facts are?" My only response is this: why don't you, Mr. President, find out what the true facts are, and we won't have to wait anymore.

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