Inspired by Steve's piece in the Huffington Post, I posted the video from this exchange. [media id=13424]-WMP [media id=13425]-QT Steve gets it rig
July 23, 2005

Inspired by Steve's piece in the Huffington Post, I posted the video from this exchange.

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Steve gets it right: "I wish you could have seen Bob Schieffer's face as he came back from commercial break to his next guest, Senator Joe Biden, who he then took up this issue with. Bob Schieffer said to Joe Biden (I'm paraphrasing here...I'll post the transcript when it's available) "You know, everyone in The White House has these BlackBerrys. And you have to wonder what sort of message Andrew Card emailed at 8pm to the other people in The White House...what sort of documents could have been shredded in those 12 hours."

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