Paul Begala responds to the smear attack by The Washington Times, CNS News and of course some from the right wing blogosphere:" Maybe Republicans do
July 20, 2005

Paul Begala responds to the smear attack by The Washington Times, CNS News and of course some from the right wing blogosphere:" Maybe Republicans do want to kill me. Bill Frist’s speeches can certainly induce a coma. President Bush’s tortured responses to questions about his aides’ potential criminality are enough to give me an aneurysm. Rick Santorum’s breath has been registered with the EPA as a lethal chemical. And you do not want to be sitting behind Denny Hastert on an airplane when he leans his seat back. And if all that doesn’t put you in fear of your life, I have four words for you: Rush Limbaugh. Bean on

Amused that the right-wing bloggers could be such dunderheads – or so duplicitous. Amused that they’ve given my argument so much airtime (or ethertime, or whatever it is they have in the blogosphere.) Amused that they have such a low image of themselves that they would think that anyone would confuse them with terrorists. And amused that they’ve driven traffic to this website to an all-time high.

Begala's response was pretty funny.

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