Did anyone really think wingnut Republican doctors would let his one go? Cole says: So the Republican party is hemorrhaging moderate and independent
July 13, 2005

Did anyone really think wingnut Republican doctors would let his one go?

Cole says: So the Republican party is hemorrhaging moderate and independent support. This will probably help a lot:

"U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn challenged the accuracy of Terri Schiavo's autopsy Thursday, saying he has a copy of the Florida woman's medical file. I have on my desk a complete medical file of Terri Schiavo, and I would challenge the accuracy of many of the statements by people involved in that case in terms of her medical condition, and I would also challenge some of the autopsy findings based on what I have on my desk in Washington," Coburn said. Coburn is an obstetrician and gynecologist and is not trained as a pathologist or medical examiner. He said he had reviewed Schiavo's medical file but had not examined her body"

Many thanks to Bill Frist for creating a new form of medical diagnosis.

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