I'm working up a little policy with the help of Jeralyn. Since the popularity of C&L's new "On-Line Magazine" has grown, there's been a lot going on in the comments section. Here's a sample of the new policy:
*Bandwidth is expensive. The comment space is reserved for comments that relate to the topic of the post . You may not reprint lengthy text from your own works or those of others, including news articles. You may link to them.
*Comments that are abusive, offensive, contain profane or racist material or violate the terms of service for this blog's host provider will be removed and the author(s) banned from future comments.
I didn't think I would have to do this. I welcome right wingers to come over and join in. I often find that is what makes blogging enjoyable. It's getting nasty. The emails are too, but unlike many who reprint them on their sites and try and say " liberals are bad, look at this email about me" is simply childish. I 'll post an email more for humor than anything else. More on this later...
(Update)-I don't care about the language all that much,( I'm a NY'er) but some people are going way over the top, mostly from the trolls. Some are putting in page upon page of text to make a point. That's too much. Some comments are by the same person posting as different people. If you have to hide-goodbye. I should have been a little clearer about the trolls. My bad.