June 30, 2005

"The National Park Service sought out footage of ``conservative - right-wing demonstrations'' to revise the video shown to visitors at the Lincoln Memorial after being pressured by conservatives who complained the display implied Abraham Lincoln supported abortion, homosexuality and liberal causes. Park Service documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show officials purchased video of President Bush, pro-gun advocates and pro-Iraq war rallies and also considered removing images of Democratic former President Clinton at the memorial."

Click here for a news clip about the story: Video

Click here for the full eight minute version of the: Video

"The video gave the impression that Lincoln would have supported abortion and homosexuality,'' said the Web site of Rev. Louis Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition.'' read on"

God's Circus Clowns are at it again. There's nothing like a little Civil Rights to get them all hot and bothered. I thought these succubi had souls to save not videos to destroy? Oh how I wish it were Festivus again.

Direland has some more on the story.

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