June 21, 2005

Well that's what he says about Air America. I have an idea. How about arresting the mouthpieces that hyped the war and everything the about it; then are too cowardly to do the right thing other than being apologists?

AmericaBlog says: I know he's just blowing hot air, but this kind of talk is downright dangerous, and rhymes with Schmitler, Whole Kot, and Balin.

From Robert:on the comments: "Right before U.S. forces invaded Iraq, O'Reilly made a bold promise on ABC about Iraq's WMDs: "If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean, he has nothing, I will apologize to the nation, and I will not trust the Bush Administration again, all right?"

Thanks Robert for the info. Does anybody remember when that apology came?

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