And the George Armstrong Custer Award for Military Excellence Goes To... Now that the Downing St. stuff finally is becoming widely known, the questio
June 21, 2005

A picture named Custer.1.jpg And the George Armstrong Custer Award for Military Excellence Goes To...

Now that the Downing St. stuff finally is becoming widely known, the question journalists should be asking is this: Why was Bush so anxious to have a war?
Let's see if any of the big guys launch that investigation.
In light of those disclosures in the UK, I think progressives should challenge the NY Times, LA Times, W Post and other papers to assign their best investigative reporters to the task of finding out what really happened in that mad rush to war. Remember when Cheney was visiting the CIA every other day? Remember when Karen Kwiatkowski was reporting on the lie machine inside the Pentagon?
After Downing Street, all of that needs to be revisited. Maybe Knight-Ridder will do it. Or the Toledo Blade, for Chrissakes.
I mean, has anyone in the press even asked Dearlove or Straw or the others about this? If not, why not? That's the way we worked stories back in my days at the Detroit Free Press.
By the way, a friend of mine with ties to the Pentagon does not dispute a cynical theory of mine about why there was no exit strategy: We never intended to exit. The idea was to steal the nation of Iraq -- for the oil, for the strategic location, and as a stadium for holy war...

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