-Video I finally got the video. Wonkette: Terry Moran puts Scott McClellan into a 'throe hold' Terry Moran asked a pointed question, which referre
June 16, 2005

A picture named wh_press_conf_full_050616-01a.jpg -Video

I finally got the video.

Wonkette: Terry Moran puts Scott McClellan into a 'throe hold'

Terry Moran asked a pointed question, which referred back to an assessment recently made by Vice President Dick Cheney.


Video-Real Audio

Q Scott, is the insurgency in Iraq in its 'last throes'?

McCLELLAN: Terry, you have a desperate group of terrorists in Iraq that are doing everything they can to try to derail the transition to democracy. The Iraqi people have made it clear that they want a free and democratic and peaceful future. And that's why we're doing everything we can, along with other countries, to support the Iraqi people as they move forward

Q But the insurgency is in its last throes?

McCLELLAN: The Vice President talked about that the other day -- you have a desperate group of terrorists who recognize how high the stakes are in Iraq. A free Iraq will be a significant blow to their ambitions.

Q But they're killing more Americans, they're killing more Iraqis. That's the last throes? ….

rest of transcript

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