Schiavo Autopsy Shows No Sign of Trauma/Will the Right apologize to Michael?
Terri Shciavo did not suffer any trauma prior to her 1990 collapse and her brain was about half of normal size when she died, according to results released Wednesday of an autopsy conducted on the severely brain-damaged woman. Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner Jon Thogmartin concluded that there was no evidence of strangulation or other trauma leading to her collapse."The brain weighed 615 grams, roughly half of the expected weight of a human brain. ... This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons."
Well the evidence is in. Poor Terri was in PVS and had no hope of recovery. Violence by her husband Michael Schiavo was also ruled out as the cause for her injury. I hope this closes the book on this case, except of course for Mark Furman's, but how will all those who called Michael a murderer feel? Will Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough go on the air today and concede they were wrong while embarrassing themselves in the process? Bill Frist's ability to diagose patients by video now has got to be called into question.<snark> Tom Delay's actions to have a bill passed for political gain becomes an even greater humiliation for him. Will the extreme religious right come out in full force and admit Terri's fate should have been left up to the courts? Will the Church that excommunicated Judge Greer allow him to return? ( although if I was he, I wouldn't go back there.) Will the sycophants return all the money they made off of Terri, including the infamous donation list? And remember all those ballon video tapes? That wasn't happening either. This also proves how screwed our media is. ( like we didn't already) All the isane people that braved their way across our TV screens for thirteen days, proclaiming the "truth" and never having their credentials questioned. Randle Terry and others were presented as normal, rational people.
: Gee What a surprise.. Remember, her father actually said that if she only had the right therapy she'd be a productive member of society. Then there was Dr. Frist and Dr. DeLay's diagnoses. Oops.
Atrios says: Fristed Again: "I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour or so looking at last night in my office, he said in a lengthy speech in which he quoted medical texts and standards. She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli. Schiavo, it turns out, was completely blind.'
John Cole says: The usual supects will try to spin this that the results are inconclusive, but they should be ignored. And keep in mind, when they try to spin their nonsense- these are the same folks that want to take over the science curriculum and infuse it with 'divine design' and other ascientific garbge. But hey- Tony Perkins and Randall Terry got some camera time and jammed a lot of money in their pockets, didn't they? So it wasn't a total loss.
Daily Kos says: Frist is a terrible doctor: Not that wingers have any respect to "science" and "reality", but Michael Schiavo has more ammunition to use against the hordes of idiots who viciously slandered him during the emotional battle. I still hope he sues all their asses.
Kevin Drum says: I JUST PLAY ONE IN THE SENATE....Yes, Terri Schiavo really was in a persistent vegetative state. No, she never would have recovered. Just like the doctors who actually examined her said.
Think Progress says:Frists Fraudulent Diagnosis: Which makes Dr. Frists expert diagnosis all the more outrageous.
All Spin Zone: No word yet on whether James Dobson is pressuring Frist to introduce the Corpse Reanimation Act of 2005
BlondeSense says: Vultures Do It Too: I couldnt help but think of the vultures as the press moved in. Once the press had spotted the report and the facts, and the physicians had left, they felt safe to drag the report away.
Fablog says: An Even MORE Persistent Vegetative State: But as we now learn, Frist, Didion, the Schindlers (Terri's parents and brother), Randall Terry, Jesse Jackson the Bush Administration, both houses of Congress and the Catholic Church were, uh. . . mistaken Not that mere truth has ever stood in the way of anyone who refused to dealwith it:
Talk Left says: Schiavo Autopsy: The autopsy results on Terri Schiavo are in: No abuse was shown. She was blind. No evidence of an eating disorder was shown.
The un-equivocal Notion says: I Bet You All Feel Stupid Now...
Majikthise says: Schiavo autopsy vindicates husband, impugns Frist: No surprises here. Terri Schiavo was in a persistent vegetative state, Michael Schiavo didn't beat her, Nat Hentoff is a crackpot, and Bill Frist is a demagogic quack.
Republic of T.: Called it: In a post at LeanLeft, on the Schiavo autopsy, I gave the following comment in response to the question of how the Schindlers would spin the autopsy finding. Spin? Its science. And we already know that ideology trumps science. Theyll wave it aside with God can still work miracles, and not miss a step. Im saying here and now that I basically called it, upon reading reports on the Schindlers reaction.
There's not much from the right yet. Didn't mean to put John Cole with the left
Blogs for Terr says:Will Autopsy Report Make 'Outlandish' Claims? What I am most interested to see is whether or not, as Michael Schiavo and his attorney George Felos hope, the M.E. purports to draw any conclusions regarding whether Terri was in a PVS (Persistent Vegetative State).