Jason Miller wrote a wonderful history of Sam's fanatical beliefs: ...As one examines various facets of Sam Brownback, one formulates a profile of an
June 8, 2005

Jason Miller wrote a wonderful history of Sam's fanatical beliefs:

...As one examines various facets of Sam Brownback, one formulates a profile of an individual who is dangerously radical. As I write this article, he is pandering to the Religious Right, his extremist base. Brownback is threatening to filibuster the Senate bill that would relax restrictions on federal funding of stem cell research. This legislation would enable the US to begin catching up with nations like South Korea. Yes, you read that correctly...read on

Think Progress has more: The “Obstructionist” Brownback: Now one of their own, the staunchly anti-choice Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS), “has put a hold on the White House’s nomination of a prominent abortion-rights supporter to a diplomatic post.” It would seem that the crime of Julie Finley - nominated as ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe - is her extensive fundraising work for pro-choice candidates.

Who can forget his sickening debate against Arlen Specter. Video here

Update-AmericaBlog- GOP: No pro-choice women need apply to our party

MyDD- Brownback denies Bush nominee Up or Down Vote

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