"The lawmaker who will head a House inquiry into trips that lobbyist Jack Abramoff arranged for Tom DeLay has his own links to the lobbyist. At one po
June 7, 2005

"The lawmaker who will head a House inquiry into trips that lobbyist Jack Abramoff arranged for Tom DeLay has his own links to the lobbyist. At one point, Abramoff touted Rep. Doc Hastings relationship with his firm in a pitch to a prospective client.... Hastings' appointment to head the House ethics committee came after the previous chairman took issue with some of DeLay's activities and GOP House leaders removed him from the panel. read on"

Does anybody think that this is a conflict and Hastings should recuse himself? I do. Who thinks Hastings will let his previous relationship with Abramoff interfere with the investigation? I do. Does anyone think that the fix is already in? I do. Does anybody think this could be the reason that Delay wants himself investigated by Hastings? I do. Does anybody believe that the Republicans will do nothing about these ties between Hastings, Abramoff and Delay? I do!

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