"Pharmacists should not be forced to fill prescriptions or the 'morning after' abortion pill," he said, "if it iolates their conscience." Albertsons distributed a memo to all its Illinois pharmacists stating it would accommodate their right of conscience by permitting them to refer prescriptions to which they conscientiously object to another Albertsons pharmacist or to a competitor.
These people are too stupid to understand that the morning after pill is not abortion. Please do us all a favor and refer yourself to another career.
Amanda at Pandagon has a great post: "Just this morning I wrote a post cheering for the 40th anniversary of Griswold vs. Connecticut and warned that the right to privacy and to determine the number of children you bear is under assault. Should have known it would be a round-up sort of day...read on
Jeralyn has more: "That's not the only drug Albertson's is playing sanctimonious pomp with. Check this out from the Salt Lake City Tribune's letters to the editors:... read on