Ken appeared on MTP today.
Mehlman's basic answer to most questions was " I would respectfully disagree..."
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He's the artful dodger, rarely giving straight answers at all. Kudos to Russert for bringing up the Downing Street Memo. The efforts to get this story out is becoming succesfull.
Russert: That's pretty strong. Republicans have become the political arm of Christian conservatives. That's John Danforth.
Mehlman: I think he's a good man. I would respectfully disagree with that.
Russert: And if you really want to fix the solvency problem of Social Security, you should avoid it.
Mehlman: Well, I would respectfully disagree with Mr. Pozen..
Russert: Well, many people close to Pat Tillman have said just that.
Mehlman: Well, again, I would respectfully disagree,...
Update-AmericaBlog: "Call me crazy, but it sounds like Meet the Press's Tim Russert was pushing Ken on purpose. Hmmm... Why are you afraid to say what YOU think, Ken? The head of the entire Republican party doesn't have an opinion on homosexuality and gay rights issues?