via Is That Legal: Nine months ago I pointed out to Michelle Malkin that she had defamed political scientist Peter Irons and researcher and former i
May 17, 2005

via Is That Legal:

Nine months ago I pointed out to Michelle Malkin that she had defamed political scientist Peter Irons and researcher and former internee Aiko Herzig-Yoshinaga by accusing them of "surreptitiously" passing between themselves "confidential" records about the wartime internment of Japanese Americans. Malkin told me to go scratch, and broadened her smear of Irons. Several months ago, Peter Irons emailed Malkin and asked for a retraction and apology.

Malkin ignored him. A few days ago, Irons renewed his demand and threatened legal action.

Today, finally, after a couple more days of foot-dragging, Malkin retracts and apologizes to Irons and on

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