May 15, 2005

I am, well Direland has the scoop:

The racist spam that has flooded inboxes from Australia to Anaheim with hundreds of thousands of e-mails is designed to boost the NPD's score in elections this coming Sunday in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's most populated state. The Sober.Q virus, Der Spiegel says, is "the newest version of the Sober virus, a worm that infects address books and sends a copy of itself to all the entries. Various security firms have released warnings that they received hundreds of thousands of Sober.Q emails within the first24 hours of the virus' outbreak."

Furthermore, "Sober steals mail-addresses from infected computers and
distributes itself in the name of any mail-address it can find. Another
thing. Sober.Q runs on computers previously infected by an earlier version
of the virus, Sober.P, which appeared only a week ago disguised as an email
proclaiming free tickets to the Soccer Cup in 2006. That virus, which was
able to switch into German or English, was particularly effective in
soccer-crazed Germany, which will be hosting the cup matches," Der Spiegel

The government of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder tried to have the NPD
banned as racist two years ago. But the case blew up when it was revealed
that many of the NPD's leaders named in the case against it were agents of
Schroeder's security services, and that these government moles had initiated
some of the provocative, violence-inducing actions that were included in the
list of charges the government cited in calling for the party to be

The NPD's vote in Saxony last year was, in part, a reaction to the
government's attempt to ban it. I've always opposed attempts to ban hate
speech or parties that engage in it -- such actions always contributed to
the martyrdom complex such extremists always cultivate, bring them attention
they would not have received otherwise, and make them attractive to
disgruntled, politically illiterate, unemployed youth of the kind who made
up Hitler's brownshirted private army, the S.A., whose strong-arm tactics
helped bring him to power.

Anti-immigrant campaigns have allowed far right and neo-fascist parties all
over Europe to grow by surfing on the Continent-wide new wave of racism, an
atmosphere of hate and fear that is also fueled by starkly declining birth
rates among the native white populations and intensive breeding by the
largely Arab and Turkish immigrants. But let's hope Germans aren't fooled by
the NPD next Sunday.

And if you've received one of these Sober.Q e-mails, get your computer
disinfected fast, because the NPD has turned it into a machine to reproduce
and spew their hate.

Posted by Doug Ireland at 08:05 AM

24 hours of the virus' outbreak." read on

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