In response, the religious right has accused McCain of trying to prevent people who believe in god from serving on the federal bench. Here is a clip f
May 15, 2005

In response, the religious right has accused McCain of trying to prevent people who believe in god from serving on the federal bench. Here is a clip from an article published on the National Right to Life web site:

Fr. Frank Pavone, head of Priests for Life, told NRL News, “It is unfortunate that Senator McCain has joined those senators who are trying to prevent godly men and women, nominated by their President and supported by a majority of senators, from serving on our nation’s courts. There is not going to be a church in America that is not going to know exactly who those senators are.”

John McCain is going to have an almost impossible time getting past the primaries in 2008. Last week Pat Robertson had this to say:
Robertson: McCain I'd vote against under any circumstance.

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