May 12, 2005

Simon Cowell is apparently nursing an ambition to be a political pundit.

"I think 'American Idol' has always been a red state competition," he tells Entertainment Weekly. "I think mainly it's a Southern competition."

He elaborates: "I think Carrie [Underwood] is reflective of what's going on in this country. There are a lot of girls saying, 'I'm bored of girls dressing like sluts.'...There's a difference between what the record industry thinks and what Wal-Mart customers think. That's one of the reasons why Carrie is doing so well."

Simon, have you ever stepped foot in a Wal-Mart? I don't think "Slut-it-up "clothes are big in their inventory. I did notice that you berated Carrie for wearing clothes that made her look like an old-maid though.

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