U.S. firefighter suddenly emerges from 10-year fog
...Doctors on Tuesday sought to understand why a brain-damaged firefighter snapped to attention after nearly a decade of sitting silently in a wheelchair and watching television at his nursing home.
...He lapsed into a coma for more than two months. When Herbert came out of it, he had lost his sight, his speech was halting and slurred, and he did not recognize loved ones. "We can tell you he did recognize several family members and friends and did call them by name," Simon Manka, his uncle, said in a handwritten statement issued on behalf of the family.
This will start to pick up steam as a defense and justification for the outrageous behavior by the Religious Right and the Republicans during the Schiavo case. Obviously there is no similarity between the two, but the word "brain damage" will be the linchpin for their argument. I saw it mentioned in Focus on the Family's email, and you have to figure that will find its way over to Sean Hannity's lips.