April 21, 2005

(Update)-Dobson tries to defend Mohler on Hannity and Colmes-Video

via Armando

Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) continues to snipe at Focus on the Family, Frist's ally in Extremist Sunday. The Senator points out that Focus on the Family board member R. Albert Mohler, Jr said:

The board member, R. Albert Mohler Jr., said Thursday he stands by the comments he made in March 2000 on the cable news show Larry King Live.
"I believe that the Roman church is a false church and it teaches a false gospel," Mohler said at the time. "And indeed, I believe that the pope himself holds a false and unbiblical office."

Salazar called on James Dobson to repudiate Mohler. Well done Senator Salazar.

Tip to Colorado Luis.

(Update) From Hannity and Colmes, Dobson tries to defend Mohler with the" he's a Southern Baptist" defense.

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