... In some states, legislators are pushing laws that would explicitly grant pharmacists the right to refuse to dispense drugs related to contraception or abortion on moral grounds. Others want to require pharmacies to fill any legal prescription for birth control, much like Governor Blagojevich's emergency rule in Illinois, which requires pharmacies that stock the morning-after pill to dispense it without delay.
And in some states, there are proposals or newly enacted laws to make the morning-after pill more accessible, by requiring hospitals to offer it to rape victims or allowing certain pharmacists to sell it without a prescription....read on
The fact that there is a battle over contraception in this day and age is mind boggling to me. A rational thinking person would have to figure that The Religious Right Elite would be all for this type of protection because it would reduce the number of abortions significantly. Sorry... I used the word rational in the sentence at all.
Here's much more info on the Plan B Pill